
A simple way to onboard your suppliers, track your materials & verify sustainability.

Discovery Call
Building the future of carbon-neutral, sustainable supply chains.
Supported by

Easy to use apps on web & mobile.

Collect and communicate key data on your supply chain in one simple interface.

Available in English, German, French and Spanish.

Battery Passport, a traceability tool for every stakeholder in the battery supply chain.

Supply chain mapping & onboarding

Don’t know who’s in your supply chain? Our team of experts will support you with supply chain mapping.

Discover what’s happening beyond Tier 1 and strengthen your supplier relations.

Instructions to start creating your Digital Product Passport.
Battery Passport product demo

Battery Passport

A Battery Passport is a digital representation of a battery's life; including its mineral components and where they were sourced, where it was manufactured, and carbon emissions at every stage of production.

It also includes technical information for end-of-life actors to make more informed decisions at its end of life.

Product passport product demo

Product Passport

Product Passports digitally trace the provenance of products and the minerals within them.

Passports can be used to identify and satisfy ESG and compliance metrics; capturing key data throughout a product’s entire lifecycle - from mine to production.

GHG emissions tracking

The future is carbon-neutral - and Scope 3 is the biggest hurdle to fully understanding your carbon footprint.

Connect with suppliers to better manage emissions along your supply chains.

Carbon emissions product demo

Regulatory templates

Looking to comply with EU Conflict Mineral regulations? Upcoming EU Battery regulations?

Minespider has a collection of templates that make capturing the correct info easy for you and your suppliers.

A regulatory template that make capturing the correct info easy for you and your suppliers.

Tracking Tool

Create a Chain-of-Custody (CoC) for your materials: a paper trail documents their change of ownership, properties, and provenance.

Implement the tracking tool independently to save costs and streamline data collection.

Tracking tool product demo

Minespider API

Looking to build your solution on Minespider?

We offer a full API integration to make this process as easy as possible for you.

Minespider API

Frequent Questions

For more questions about the Minespider platform, please head here.

Who gets to see what data?
Who has to provide the information, data and documentation?
Who can edit a certificate?
What type of equipment do I need?
What is mass balance?
What languages does the Minespider platform support?
What if during the physical check of data I get different details than the one stated on the received certificate (eg. difference in purity or weight)?
What happens if I scan a QR code of an older version of a certificate?
What data should be collected?
If my customer still doesn’t want to participate, isn’t it all in vain?
How long does it take to be onboarded? And see results?
How does Minespider include mass balance?
How do you onboard my suppliers?
How do I incentivise my customers, suppliers, and others to participate?
How can you add new data to an existing certificate?
Can I customize my interface?

Start preparing for the future of traceability today.