How to prepare your data processes to be compliant with the upcoming Battery regulation
The most challenging aspect of adapting to upcoming regulations is collecting the data. The Minespider team analyzed how much time it takes for a company to set up a data collection process in a simple excel sheet. It turned out that even big companies having different tools and digital platforms struggle with data collection, and it takes several weeks to establish a process. To comply with the battery regulations, OEMs and battery manufacturers have to prepare their data much in advance considering its amounts and regulation requirements. This article gives 4 recommendations to help you start collecting the data and launch a company’s regular and efficient data collection processes.
Regulation Explained

German supply Chain Due Diligence Act - How can my company comply?
The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act came into force on 1 January 2023. It requires German companies to institute risk-management measures and grievance mechanisms and report on their efforts to avoid risks. Companies outside Germany that supply German firms will need to provide the key data to assure them of risk-free sourcing. Here is what steps your company can take to ensure you and your suppliers comply with the new law.
Regulation Explained

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and the Benefits of Double Materiality
Along with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Double materiality concept started to be discussed. Few understand what the concept means in reality. This article gives an overview of the concept with examples explaining how companies that have to report according to the CSRD can benefit from it, and become more efficient and sustainable.
Regulation Explained

Adopting Battery Regulations - What Challenges Do We Need to Solve?
Today an EVs battery supply chain is the subject of dozens of evolving regulations worldwide. The regulatory frameworks are different. This results in a certain degree of diversity in rules and requirements, from mandatory carbon emissions calculation to the obligation of domestic sourcing for getting the tax incentives. How can EV producers and battery manufacturers comply with different battery regulations?
Regulation Explained

EV Battery Regulations around the World: What You Need to Know
Governments have realised the need to control resources required for future clean energy production. As EVs and batteries play a vital role in meeting the clean energy goals, rapidly evolving regulatory frameworks are setting obligations for all battery industry participants. This article summarises some of the key laws focused on lithium batteries components in the US, Europe, China, Japan and South Korea.
EVs, Batteries & Circular Economy
Regulation Explained

The French Duty of Care Law, a Step Towards Transparent Supply Chains
In 2017, the French law of Duty of Care obliged companies to establish, publish, and effectively manage measures to identify possible risks and prevent severe abuses of human rights, fundamental freedoms, health and safety of individuals, and the environment. That was one of the first laws on Duty of Care. This article covers the regulation and types of companies that should comply.
Regulation Explained

Ready for change? Aligning your business with the European Raw Materials Strategy
The European Union is working towards a secure supply of raw materials to ensure the competitiveness of its countries’ industries and simultaneously enable the shift to a greener economy. This article covers the three lighthouses: Sustainable Discovery & Supply, Sustainable Materials for Future Mobility and Raw Materials and Circular Societies - and how to ensure your company is at the forefront of this push for sustainability.
Regulation Explained

Charging up for the new EU Battery Regulation Proposal
On the 10th of December 2020, the European Commission published the EU Battery Regulation Proposal. This proposal aims to substitute and build on the current EU Battery Directive (2006/66/EC) by incorporating the latest developments in the battery industry, with a special focus on sustainability, quality, and circularity. In this article, we provide key insights on how this proposal differs from the current directive and some of the main requirements for economic operators in this area.
EVs, Batteries & Circular Economy
Regulation Explained

Why the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act is just the first step
The German Supply Chain Due Diligence Law was finally passed a few months ago and will enter into force on January 1st, 2023. In this article, we’ll be looking in more detail at what is required from German companies and their (international) suppliers, what the implementation might look like in practice, and what’s potentially on the European legislative horizon.
Regulation Explained

Evolving legislation: From Dodd-Frank to the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation
We're at a moment in time where European countries are adopting national legislation that compels companies to take a closer look at their supply chains in general. The UK’s Modern Slavery Act (2015), France’s Duty of Vigilance Law (2017), and the German discussion about a Supply Chain Law (ongoing) all testify to the important role global value chains and their sustainability play in the political arena. This article details the EU Conflict Minerals Regulation and its precursor, Section 1502 of the US’ Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, better known as Dodd-Frank Act.
Regulation Explained
Examining Germany's Potential Supply Chain Law
Germany is considering a new supply chain law, mandating companies to conduct human rights due diligence in their supply chains. Who is drafting the law? What parties are involved? What progress has been made to date and when can we expect an outcome? Our Project Manager, Christian Ecker, will answer all of these questions in-depth.
Regulation Explained
Conflict Mineral Regulations
Over the past few years, governments and organizations have taken measures to ensure potential harm in the mining industry is reduced. Let’s take a look at these pivotal initiatives and regulations; from the US Dodd-Frank Act to the EU's Conflict Minerals Regulation.
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