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What we do
Minespider is a blockchain-based traceability platform, helping actors in the raw material supply chain capture and share their sustainability data in digital Product Passports that distinguish their products in the market.
Companies can upload important data such as carbon emissions or responsibility audits to the blockchain, and then link it to their products with a QR code. This helps buyers to know where their raw materials come from and under what conditions they have been produced.
Press supporting files
Media contact
Ella Cullen, Co-founder & CMO
Anastasia Popova, Content Marketing Manager
Anastasia Popova, Content Marketing Manager
Based in
Minespider GmbH, Dunckerstrasse 79, 10437 Berlin, Germany
Minespider GmbH, Dunckerstrasse 79, 10437 Berlin, Germany
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Tecnologia BlockchainA Lei de Redução da Inflação - Orientação para marcas de veículos elétricosRegulamentação de baterias da UEConformidade com o Mecanismo de Ajuste de Fronteira de Carbono (CBAM)A Diretiva de Relatórios de Sustentabilidade Corporativa (CSRD)Regulamentação ESGLei Alemã de Due Diligence da Cadeia de Suprimentos